One hundred years ago, the Fire Nation almost met their demise.
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"And she spoke, 'What is life's purpose?' to which he replied, 'It has no purpose. We live, we die. It's as simple as that.'"
Sammael - Member for 1 years
May I reserve female water bender? I'll get the CS up ASAP if its okay with you! :)
I want to make a Facebook account and name it Nobody so that when I like some post, it would say Nobody Likes This.
NasiaWords - Member for 2 years
Hey! I's like to reserve a male Fire bender! And do you have any plans for an antagonist?
This is my final mission, so remember my name! For it shall be engraved in your memory! My name is Code! -code6435-
code6435 - Member for 1 years
Could I reserve the Male Earthbender. Also, don't know if it is necessary to specify secondary elements, but in case you want to avoid having two of those, I planned on making him a Sandbender.
jukuma - Member for 2 years
No, it's not necessary to specify the secondary elements. Those are just there to choose from unless stated only a certain amount, which in this case there can only be one metal bender :]
But your spot is reserved :D
Sammael - Member for 1 years
This sounds awesome! I'm a huge avatar fan (Much to the annoyance of my roommates) and have watched all of them, including the Legend of Kora.
Could I reserve a male Airbender? From what I understand he is a survivor from the Genocide?
Many thanks.
Stryk33 - Member for 1 years
Yes, the two airbenders are the survivors of the Genocide, which will be happening at the start of the role-play :]
Sammael - Member for 1 years
I'd like to reserve the female airbender :3
Xiiver - Member for 2 years
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