Why do my clients choose to work with me, to see a life coach? ?Because they want to change.
Often their first question is: ??Can I change??
Yes, change is possible.
We can change our confidence levels, our communication style, our behaviour, our achievements and the relationships we have.
What brings about change? ?Fundamentally, it?s about changing the programmes we run in our minds at both the conscious and unconscious levels; it?s about changing the patterns that are deeply engrained in us, that cause us to think and behave in the same old ways again and again.
And yes, this is possible.
Coaching with the use of NLP, Neuro Linguistic Programming, gives us the tools to question and to challenge our current thoughts and belief systems, and to reframe, to change those old programmes and patterns we are running in our minds.
The process is relatively quick and can be easily dealt with in the short term, in a number of life coaching sessions.
How does it work? ?When our current thinking patterns are challenged, the brain seeks new and different lines of thought and naturally, you start to create new patterns of thinking and as a result, new patterns of behaviour. ?When we think differently, by default we start to feel different, which causes us to behave differently too, hence the change.
Look forward to hearing from you if there?s a change you want make in your life.
Enjoyed this blog? ?Why not read my blog about the Power of Passion
All the best,
Natalie Dee
London Life Coach & Business Coach, London UK
Certified High Performance Coach & Master NLP Practitioner
Natalie Dee, London Life Coach works in the area of lifestyle management as a London life coach, using life coaching with confidence coaching and NLP both in London and throughout the UK, applying techniques such as NLP, EFT and Hypnotherapy to improve levels of self-confidence as well as relationships, personal health, finance and career. Life coaching London, UK and worldwide available.
Self-Confidence Building
in 7 Steps
Do you want to learn how to have the self-confidence?to lead a more fulfilling life? Be sure to read the tell-all guide Self-Confidence Building in 7 Steps?to rocket your self-confidence and self-esteem to achieve all that you want.
Life Coach London
Posted in Achievement, Beliefs, Change, communication, Life Coaching, Neuro Linguistic Programming on August 20, 2012
Source: http://www.natalie-dee.com/2012/08/20/with-life-coaching-can-we-change/
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